Sguardi Wha?

Un titolo misterioso che racchiude un caleidoscopio di sensazioni, colori, atmosfere, catturati negli scatti di Chiara Tansini, raccolti allo spazio Tecniche Miste nel bellissimo chiostro S. Antonino di Corso Matteotti, nel cuore di Varese.

Le quaranta fotografie raccontano dei suoi viaggi, compiuti negli ultimi anni. "Non sono una fotografa - precisa Chiara Tansini - sono un'architetto con una forte passione per la fotografia".

Che sia una macchina professionale o la fotocamera del cellulare, Chiara Tansini cattura i momenti, ci mostra l'architettura da un punto di vista diverso dal solito, ci riporta le sue personali sensazioni. 

Indonesia, Marocco, Milano, Lugano, Mont Saint-Michel, Lourdes, Bordeaux, Tailandia, Pantelleria, New York, Marrakech, Los Angeles... sono davvero tanti i luoghi che ha visitato, e che scopriamo in maniera singolare attraverso il suo personale "collage" fotografico. 

"Sono tutti momenti del viaggio, non sono scatti progettati. Scatto perchè mi piace, per passione: un dettaglio che mi incuriosisce, dei momenti particolari che colpiscono...". 

Non importa dunque in questo caso la tecnica, questi scatti permettono al pubblico di scoprire, attraverso sguardi e scorci, quanto potente sia la fotografia nel fissare attimi della nostra vita e talvolta, come in questo caso, l'anima delle persone. Sguardi che sanno di esperienze vissute, di segni dimenticati, sguardi che si velano di libertà.

Matteo Bollini

Le Mont Saint Michel, photo by Chiara Tansini

Le Mont Saint Michel, photo by Chiara Tansini

Sguardi Wha?
40 fotografie di Chiara Tansini
fino al 28 settembre 2015
Spazio - Tecniche Miste
Chiostro Sant'Antonino, Matteotti, 53 - Varese
Orari apertura: da martedì a sabato dalle 16.30 alle 19.30

Varanasi, India: “BEYOND”

"...“BEYOND” is an exclusive documentary featuring photographer Joey L. Set in Varanasi, India. The documentary by filmmaker Cale Glendening follows Joey and his assistant Ryan as they complete their latest photo series- “Holy Men.”

Almost every major religion breeds ascetics; wandering monks who have renounced all earthly possessions, dedicating their lives to the pursuit of spiritual liberation.Their reality is dictated only by the mind, not material objects. Even death is not a fearsome concept, but a passing from the world of illusion..."

Moving Athens: Inspiring Short Dance Film Portrays A Changing City

"On Syntagma Square in Athens, Greece, six young ballerinas in full Giselle costume execute graceful romantic sequences in the midst of traffic, whilst on Omonoia Square, traditional Black Sea dancers, their hands clasped, dance rhythmically in file next to rushing buses and perplexed passers-by. Is this a protest of a different kind? For director Jevan Chowdhury, these images from his latest film Moving Cities: Athens could be read as such; for him, and many others, dancing in public spaces is an act of sovereignty."...


House on Pali Hill _ Studio Mumbai

© Helene Binet                                                                  &nbs…

© Helene Binet                                                                                                                                                                                                       

The Unbearable Lightness of BEEing: Tomáš Libertíny Talks To Yatzer About His Extraordinary Collaboration With Honey Bees

Tomáš Libertíny, The Honeycomb Vase.‘Made by bees’ (red edition), 2007. Beeswax24 x 16 x 16 cmPrivate collectionphoto © Raoul Kramer.

Tomáš Libertíny, The Honeycomb Vase.
‘Made by bees’ (red edition), 2007. 
24 x 16 x 16 cm
Private collection
photo © Raoul Kramer.

...I wanted to push the envelope of what is possible by understanding a non-industrial process and what it entails. Whereas designers are limited by machines, in this case, I was limited by bees. It was an architecture harnessed directly from nature. The more you understand - the more you can do. It was and is a spiritual journey which teaches you kindness and patience. I have never met an arrogant beekeeper. One can only wonder why...

A Rare Look Into The World Of Christian Dior

Sophie Malgat - the wife of the film director Anatole ‘Tola’ Litvak—was one of the rare models who starred on the catwalk and had ''cover girl'' status in magazine editorials. ''Sophie knew how to move in clothes and how to pose,'' says Brigitt…

Sophie Malgat - the wife of the film director Anatole ‘Tola’ Litvak—was one of the rare models who starred on the catwalk and had ''cover girl'' status in magazine editorials. ''Sophie knew how to move in clothes and how to pose,'' says Brigitte Tortet. ''She defined truly elegant.'' Shaw photographed her in the Jardin d’Hiver of Christian Dior’s hôtel particulier on boulevard Jules Sandeau in Paris’s 16th arrondissement.
1953, Evening dress, Autumn-Winter 1953 Haute Couture collection, Vivante line.
photo © Mark Shaw.

...Titled ‘‘Dior Glamour: 1952-1962’’, the book contains black-and-white and colour photographs (including some of the very first fashion photographs ever shot in colour). Many of these images have never been published before, having only recently been found in a hidden vault by Mark Shaw’s estate. 

Mark Shaw’s photographs fully capture the drama and elegance of the period as he enjoyed the privilege of being allowed backstage at Dior’s fashion shows....

He is considered to have revolutionised fashion photography, because of his wide takes which added context and character to the fashion and the subject he was shooting...

Paul Smith’s Cast-Iron Fronted Store

photo © Paul Smith Limited

photo © Paul Smith Limited

...Iron is still a widely used material in London’s streets seen in its railings, gratings, balconies and lampposts. Using cast-iron in this way for a shop front places the heavy material in a new context thus giving it a new lease of life....

The Coqui Coqui Empire Of Senses In Yucatán

Coqui Coqui Tulum, photo © Coqui Coqui Residences & Spas

Coqui Coqui Tulum, photo © Coqui Coqui Residences & Spas

... ''Hacienda Montaecristo'' was born of necessity when Francesca and her husband, Nicolas Malleville, a contemporary landscape architect and perfumer, opened their first Coqui Coqui boutique hotel on the Yucatán Peninsula in Southeastern Mexico. ..